The Manage this Item menu

When you select item title from the Item Library, it opens in Standard View (how students see the question). Use the Manage this Item menu (top right) to select a different view of the item or to perform an action.


Menu Option Menu Option Description
Standard View Shows the item as it looks to students. You can work the item in this view.
Restart Work Erases any work you've done on the item in the Standard View, and refreshes the item display. You can start work over and test the item again. You can also regenerate algorithmic values.
Solution View Shows all the tutorial components, including Parts, Hints, Answers, and Wrong Answer Responses.
Comments View Shows student comments posted for this item.
Print View Shows the item as it will appear when students print it. Hints and correct answers do not display in this view.
Edit Item

Opens the item for editing in the Simple Editor.

The Edit Item option is available when you open a custom My Item "" (that is, one you have copied, created, or imported).

Manage Assets Lets you upload item files, such as images, to the Mastering server.
Copy and Edit Creates a copy of the item and opens it for editing in the Simple Editor. Once in the Simple Editor, the Open Advanced Editor option appears (top right).